CSC, Jigawa State Computer-Based Recruitment Test or Exam Date, Scheduled Center & Time
All candidates in all the twenty-seven (27) local government areas who are vying for any of the public positions in the Jigawa State Civil Service Commission (CSC) should note that the recruitment of additional public servants is still ongoing.
Those who applied for civil service jobs while the application process for these jobs was still ongoing can now check whether their application was considered by checking the recruitment list to see if they were among the shortlisted candidates.
All successfully selected candidates, however, will be required to sit for a computer-based test for any job role they were shortlisted for after checking their application status.
They must also understand that being shortlisted by the Jigawa State Civil Service Commission (CSC) does not mean they have been recruited or hired by the commission, as all candidates whose names appear on the recruitment list MUST pass the computer-based recruitment test as well as the screening and oral interview in order to qualify for the final shortlist.
Latest Update Regarding The CSC, Jigawa State CBT Recruitment Test or Exam
All candidates in the state’s twenty-seven (27) local governments whose names have been shortlisted for the selection process are to report for the exercise.
If you are one of these candidates, you are urged to visit the Jigawa State Civil Service’s official website at to see when, where, and when the test will be held.
To determine if they are eligible for any of the government positions they applied for, all candidates will be assessed in a variety of fields, skills and personal knowledge to see if they are indeed qualified for those government jobs advertised by the commission.
Any applicant who fails to meet the public or civil service recruitment requirements will not see their name on the PDF recruitment list.
Therefore, candidates or applicants who do not see their names in the fields for which they applied should note that they are no longer eligible for the public service recruitment exercise.
They should also note that they are not eligible to report to the Civil Service Commission (CSC) recruitment center.
Candidates who have been shortlisted for various fields of government jobs in the State Civil Service Commission (CSC) will be sitting for the computer-based recruitment test or exam for 2025/2026 as soon as it commences.
They must come alongside their Pens and pencils, Erasers, and other stationery and documents and a shortlisted printout as released on the CSC recruitment portal.
During this process, all candidates in the twenty-seven (27) local government areas in the state must report at the latest by 07:00 AM for Civil Service Commission recruitment accreditation.
They should note that the computer-based recruitment (CBT) test or exam will begin exactly at 08:00 AM.
Note that the date on which the computer-based recruitment test or exam will commence must be strictly adhered to and any of the candidates who do NOT sit for this exercise may be disqualified as the commission may not fix another date for their reappearance.
How To Check The CSC, Jigawa State CBT Test or Exam Date?
Candidates who applied for Jigawa State Civil Service government jobs can check for the computer-based recruitment test or exam date through the official portal.
Please note that you cannot see the computer-based recruitment (CBT) test or exam date if it has not yet been released on the Jigawa State Civil Service recruitment site.
Is The CSC, Jigawa State CBT Test or Exam Date for 2025 Out?
No, at the time of publishing this information, neither the Jigawa State Civil Service Commission (CSC) nor the state government had announced the date for the computer-based (CBT) test or exam for evaluating candidates who will occupy most public positions in 2025/2026.
If you are interested in any government work or position, you need to note that the Jigawa State Civil Service Commission is not yet recruiting for any public positions.