SUBEB, Benue State Computer-Based Test Or Exam Date, CBT Test Timetable and Checking Portal |

As announced by the Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) Benue State, the computer-based recruitment test or examination date, time, center, and exam/screening timetable for the selection of teachers who will be recruited by the state government across all twenty-three (23) local government areas have been released to the public. The public and the people of…

Benue State SUBEB Screening Schedules (Date, Time and Center) For Primary School/Basic Education School Teachers Recruitment

Were you among the seventy-four thousand (74,000) applicants who applied for Basic Education Schools across the state? Have you checked the list of candidates for teachers released by the Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) to see if your name was on it recently? If yes, you can now check the newly released screening date, time,…

The Benue State SUBEB Shortlist Names of Successful Candidates For CBT Test, Screening/Oral Interview |

The Benue State SUBEB has now shortlisted the names of successful teachers who will be contacted by the Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB), Benue State to sit for the Computer-Based test or recruitment examination. Although over seventy-four thousand (74,000) applicants from 23 local government areas applied for the Basic Education Schools recruitment exercise, SUBEB has shortlisted…

Benue State SUBEB Announces Date For The Recruitment of Primary School Teachers, Job Eligibility & Application Portal Now Open

Benue State SUBEB Teaching Jobs Recruitment: Hurry now, as the Benue State SUBEB through the approval of the state governor has announced the recruitment of teachers who will be posted across the state public primary schools. It is crucial to note that the application starting date and closing date have been announced, and all applicants…

Rivers State Government Teachers Screening Date, Checkout For The TESCOM Screening Time, Center and Recruitment Update

Rivers State Government Teachers Screening Date — For those who applied for a teaching job advertised by the State Teaching Service Commission, they are to check the date, time and center released by TESCOM for the recruitment of candidates who will occupy certain positions across the state’s public schools. All candidates are to note that…

Rivers State Civil Service Job Screening Date & Center For the Screening of Successfully Shortlisted Candidates

Rivers State Civil Service Job Screening Date & Center: The Rivers State Civil Service physical verification or screening has commenced with immediate effect for the recruitment of civil servants and the next stage of recruitment is for the screening of all candidates shortlisted in all the local government areas in Rivers State. The public and…

KDSG CSC Screening Date, Time & Center, and Civil/Public Service Screening Update |

KDSG CSC Screening Date, Time & Center — Find out when you are required to report for the Civil Service Commission (CSC) screening exercise if you have been considered through a shortlisting process. It is crucial to note that a few weeks ago, a list of shortlisted candidates was released by the commission for the…

KDSG Civil Service (CSC) CBT Test Result & Recent Recruitment Announcements |

KDSG Civil Service (CSC) CBT Test Result — The Kaduna State Government (KDSG) is currently informing the general public, especially all candidates who sat for the recently conducted computer-based test or examination, for the recruitment of additional public workers who will fill in all the vacant job positions left open by civil servants who left…

Kaduna State Civil Service Computer-Based Test Date & CSC Exam Center, Recruitment For Civil Servants Is Ongoing

Kaduna State Civil Service Computer-Based Test Date & CSC Exam Center — The examination date, time and center for the recruitment of public servants across the state ministries are out. Now, all candidates shortlisted throughout the twenty-three (23) local government areas will be subjected to sit for an examination which they will access on the…

Kaduna State Public Service (CSC) Recruitment, Application Form, Civil Service Job Requirements & Portal

Have you been aspiring to work in any of the Kaduna State ministries? Do you possess the right skills, professionalism and other criteria required for the advertised jobs? If yes, we wish to notify you that the State Civil Service Commission official portal is currently open for all candidates throughout the 23 local government areas…